Petite Rouge Cafe Camionette is the red-hot brainchild of firecracker New Orleans bartender Julie Anne Pieri and internationally-renowned film teamster, Kurt Schmiederer. When Kurt could not find a decent cup of coffee on a Louisiana filmset to save his life, he set about to rectify it. Together, they dreamed up Petite Rouge, your friendly neighborhood coffee house regardless of which neighborhood you live in.
Petite Rouge strives to craft our speciality beverages with only the best local ingredients:
From our beans (French Truck Coffee)
To our dairy (Progress Milk)
Even our sugar (Three Brother’s Farm)
From piping hot espresso in February to ice-cold electric sweet teas in July, Petite Rouge is the only premium coffee bar/catering experience delivered to any location in an eye-catching, vintage 1970 Citroen H-Van.
When you think of coffee, don’t think black